Monday, February 9, 2015

I can do it my own self

My parents like to remind me of a frequent refrain from my childhood: "I can do it my own self!" It is both the blessing and the curse of the four year old. Independent, determined, persevering: it's the only means to learning the myriad skills needed to function in the world. Hope's speech is not always intelligible, but these days we are clear about a few key phrases: 

"Leave me alone!"
"Let go!"
"I do it!"

She dresses herself every morning - and changes at least twice before leaving the house. She opens the car door and buckles herself into her car seat. She gets her own snacks and disappears into the bathroom to use the potty for long stretches many times a day. 

It is exactly as it should be, but it does require patience - and flexibility - and clear thinking about where the lines in the sand must be held no matter the tantrum that might ensue. So I let her ride in the back of the shopping cart (while she shouts "I'm squished!" every time I put anything in)...

and wear my coat when we are late to pick up the big kids...

But she can't forego her car seat no matter how long she pouts...

She is reaching new heights. It is breathtaking.